

  1. Copy number variations and their effect on the plasma proteome
    Daniel Schmitz ,  Zhiwei Li ,  Valeria Lo Faro , and 4 more authors
    Genetics, Oct 2023


  1. Contribution of rare whole-genome sequencing variants to plasma protein levels and the missing heritability
    Marcin Kierczak ,  Nima Rafati ,  Julia Höglund , and 10 more authors
    Nature Communications, Oct 2022
    Number: 1 Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
  2. Investigating the Effect of Estradiol Levels on the Risk of Breast, Endometrial, and Ovarian Cancer
    Åsa Johansson ,  Daniel Schmitz ,  Julia Höglund , and 3 more authors
    Journal of the Endocrine Society, Oct 2022


  1. Genome-wide Association Study of Estradiol Levels and the Causal Effect of Estradiol on Bone Mineral Density
    Daniel Schmitz ,  Weronica E Ek ,  Elin Berggren , and 3 more authors
    The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Jul 2021